Remember, if you are an IDC member who can’t join us in Spain, you can come to any of these events on a pay-as-you-go basis. If things change you can convert to Full Registration any time by topping up.
Our plan is to perform in the beautiful and historic cathedral of Salamanca on Saturday evening, 15th November 2025.
A choir tour has been arranged for us by a company called ACFEA. They are leaders in the field and Salamanca is one of our their most popular destinations. Concerts there generally attract a large and appreciative audience. The audience will gain free entry to hear us sing, although we intend to invite donations to a medical charity as part of the evening. Accompanying persons will be very welcome on this trip.
This event will take a year to prepare.
We will have our usual one-day events and weekends, open to all members. These will get us learning the music in easy stages and, during each event, we will give fun and impromptu ‘pop up’ performances somewhere nearby. We want to continue developing an engaging and exciting performance style.
The only differences to our usual yearly schedule are 1. all these events will be for IDC members only, no workshops and 2. the pre-concert rehearsal in October will be for 2 days instead of one.
Salamanca Concert Singers are asked to attend as many of these events as possible and an attendance record will be kept. For those who struggle with that, for example our overseas members, Brian is developing a plan for interactive ‘open mic’ rehearsals online (technology has improved and it is now possible to have small groups singing together from different locations). There will also our standard zoom learning sessions that will produce catch up video and downloadable audio in bitesize quantities before each event.
If you are singing in Salamanca, REMEMBER TO BOOK YOUR PLACE ON THE TOUR BEFORE THEIR DEADLINE ( date for flyers Feb 1st) OR YOU MAY INCUR ADDITIONAL EXPENSE. The tour information HERE. We will be telling you more about the venues for our Belfast and Dublin gatherings soon. You can stay in Belfast for the March weekend residential or attend for one day only. Go ahead and sign up for them as stand-alone IDC events if this suits you better.