Colour Palette =  Block colours only  ( no prints or patterns)  Choose from any combo of these colours …Movie Seat-Red, Black , Splash of White ( please dont use different shades of red!)

Eclectic mix of movie- coloured outfits.

Ladies: Dresses,  tops and trousers or skirts.  Any leg/ sleeve length ( but NB we are in a church!!)

Men: Black trousers and shoes- mix of shirts/ ties/bow ties/ open necks/ with or without jackets


Here is concert dress for the Chelys Viol Consort as an example



Hard copy scores or downloads on your device. Black folders .

You must download all your scores in advance. We will not have copies for anyone.

There will be a small cash charge for performance licenses. This will be collected in cash during rehearsals from all singers ( even if you are using a digital copy) . Approx cost per singer €3



If you look at our timetable, you will see that mid-session tea, coffee, biscuits will be provided ( by the committee). If you bring a keep cup it will be much appreciated!

You can find lunch outlets on UCC campus ( we will get you details about this)

Eoin Monaghan , one of our Cork members, has sorted out some evening options for us. As always all, including accompanying persons, will be welcome.

FRIDAY EVENING..An informal trip to Fransiscan Well setting out from UCC directly after the rehearsal

SATURDAY EVENING. Our event dinner is in Rosinnis. We will have a menu and price for you nearer the time and we will need advance numbers. NB Payment in cash will be collected during the Saturday Morning rehearsal



Our main event hotel is The Kingsley