IDC 60 Second Snapshots – A New WhatsApp Group for All Active Members


Starting in 2024, we will seek a clearer idea of who can commit to IDC Events earlier in our planning process.

Previously, we have  selected dates and booked venues well in advance of the singers’ sign up process, before we know how many people are going to be able to take part.

With event costs rising, this approach has become just too risky, both artistically and financially.

We accept that many of our members await on call rota info etc etc and can’t be sure until quite near the time; that is absolutley fine, but we need to ‘know what can be known’


This year a new  IDC WhatsApp Group will be introduced solely for availability polling.

It will have  no chat  facility and all Active IDC Members* will be added or asked to join it


Just a few ’60-Second Snapshot ‘ polls will appear each year,  and  we ask everyone to respond as soon as a post appears

You simply tap the link, type your name and  select one of three options for the date ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘other ‘( with a short comment)

Hopefully this will be a hassle -free way of checking that our plans will work. We know that things can change but we need an estimate of who could be free to sign up for a given date. The response will not represent a firm commitment.

In this context a  definite ‘no’ response is just as useful as a yes!

*we also have dormant members who are taking a longer term break from singing with us but who want to stay in touch. They can sing with IDC anytime  but they will not be polled. If you want to move to the dormant members group, message me

Olivia ( IDC Secretary on behalf of Brian MacKay and Committee)